Life in the UK Test
Free Life In The UK Test online preparation: complete study guide for 2015
Congratulation! You have decided to make the commitment to become a British citizen and to make the life in the UK test. To help you, this complete self-study guide contains all the information that you need to feel prepared and confident when you take the test.
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New rules for naturalisation
Individuals wishing to apply for indefinite leave to remain (referred to hereafter as settlement) or naturalisation as British citizens (referred to hereafter as naturalisation) are required to demonstrate their knowledge of language and life in the UK (the KoLL requirement). Currently there are two ways in which this requirement can be met:
Since April 2011, people who entered the UK on work routes have been required to meet the KoLL requirement by taking the Life in the UK test rather than the ESOL route.
What is The Life in the UK test?
The Life in the UK test is designed to test your knowledge of British life and ability to use the English language.
Book your test
You must book your test online through the GOV.UK website ( You’ll need all of the following to book a test:
The test is open to those aged 18 to 65 who wish to become a British citizen. The test costs £50, can be taken at around 60 official test centres in the UK and must be booked at least seven days in advance.
Test contents
The test covers a range of topics relating to the UK, including:
Study the materials
Once you have a test appointment, you can study with that date as a goal. All the questions that can be asked in the Life in the UK Test are based on the official study materials provided by the Home Office.